Oakman School News

Class News

What Can We Learn From Martin Luther King Jr.?

What Can We Learn From Martin Luther King Jr.?

Let's take the time to learn from wisdom of MLK Jr. and help guide our children/students to a better society and community. Read through the quotes below and use the list of questions at the end to spark some interesting conversations. “The function of education is to...

What is Happening This Week?

Welcome back Oakman families, We hope you had a great long weekend. Today school was closed in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This nationally recognized holiday is a great chance to reflect on civil rights, American history and how everyone can help make a...

What’s Happening This Week?

What’s Happening This Week?

Happy Monday, We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. NWEA testing is definitely underway this week and we know our students are going to do their best in reaching their goals. What's Happening at Oakman this Week? Monday: Welcome back Tuesday: Ecology...

1/2 Day and Pizza sale!

Pizza! Pizza!

We will be selling pizza tomorrow after school! Each slice is $1.00. Grab a slice before we run out!

What’s Happening This Week?

What’s Happening This Week?

Happy New Year and welcome back! The new year is a great time for reflection, renewing goals and new beginnings. As the school year starts, so does the Winter NWEA Testing window. Please keep in mind the available resources that will help students in getting ready for...

Eureka Math Parent Resources

Eureka Math Parent Resources

Are you wondering how you could help your child with their math? Look no further, just click on the link below for many resources to support your child in learning math concepts. https://bit.ly/35QeXMc

What’s Happening This Week?

What’s Happening This Week?

It is SPIRIT week and the last week of school before Winter break and 2020! Let's make this a memorable and fun week for all. Monday: Scientist Day Tuesday: Sports/ Jersey Day Wednesday: Crazy Hair/ Crazy Sock Day LATE START.. School starts at 9:30 Thursday: Red and...