Oakman School News

Class News

Trunk or Treat Thursday

Trunk or Treat Thursday

Parents, come out and have fun this Thursday at Oakman's Trunk or Treat. Park your car in the playground, decorate your trunk and pass out candy to our trick or treaters!! WE ARE ALSO STILL COLLECTING CANDY.. PLEASE SEND IN A FEW BAGS BEFORE THURSDAY

What’s Happening This Week?

What’s Happening This Week?

This week is SPIRIT WEEK. Be sure to dress according to the theme each day and do not forget to get creative and have fun. Monday Monday: Mrs. Elward's class field trip to the Firehouse WEAR BLACK AND ORANGE Tuesday: 3rd Grade Mathathon CAREER DAY: Dress up as your...



Dear Parent/Guardian, Oakman School is using this Parent Survey as a means to elicit your beliefs and opinions to help target areas for the school system to improve and areas to continue to be effective. The online survey will be available until 11/15/19. In order to...

What’s Happening This Week?

Monday: 3rd Grade Math Parent Meeting at 9am Tuesday: Wednesday: School Store is OPEN Thursday: PICTURE DAY Friday: Ms. Earle and Ms. Logel's students are going to the Firehouse Pizza Sale after school $1.00 per slice Have a great week