Oakman School News

This Week 11-16 to 11-20


Tuesday:   Pizza pm

BIG SHOW:  The Anti-Bullying Extravaganza at 6pm at the Civic Center Auditorium. Mr. Awada wants you to wear your new white anti-bullying t-shirt and meet Oakman teachers at the show at 5:50 so we may all sit together. 

Wednesday:  LATE START 

Parent and Teacher Conferences 4-7 pm. Please be on time. 

Thursday:  BAKE SALE. Goodies will be sold at lunch. Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7 pm. Please be on time. 

Friday:  NO POPCORN  am 

Pajama Day. Wear your favorites to school for $1. 

Movie Night @ 4pm. $2 includes a bag of popcorn. 

Pizza for sale at Movie Night at $1 per slice.


Anti Bullying 2015


bullying logo 2015