Thursday, January 6, the library will be hosting a magic show online via Zoom for kids and families of all ages.

Thursday, January 6, the library will be hosting a magic show online via Zoom for kids and families of all ages.
Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters: Isra and Mohammed!
On Monday, January 10th, Oakman School is scheduled to have picture retake day in the A.M. In order to have your child's picture retaken, you must return your complete package.
Parents you will find an application for Mobile Dentists in your child's backpack. This is a FREE teeth cleaning and x ray service for our students that you can participate in if you like. Forms are due back to the teacher by Friday, January 7th. PLEASE FOLLOW THESE...
Hello All, We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday break. All Dearborn Public Schools will be open on Monday, January 3, 2022. If you or your student picked up a virus during your downtime, please extend your vacation a few more days. Our...
We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow Monday, January 3rd, 2022! Just a friendly reminder: If your child and/or anyone in your household have been exposed over the break to Covid, please keep your child home from school and contact the school office for further...
HAPPY NEW YEAR Oakman Lions! We hope you all are having a fun-filled and relaxing break. We look forward to a great year filled with learning opportunities and enduring experiences for all. Happy 2022!
Wednesday 12/15: Pajama Day Thursday 12/16: Grinch Day Friday 12/17: Comfy Clothes Day!