Oakman School News

Mariam Dakhlallah

First Day of School Fun!

First Day of School Fun!

We had a great first day at school! We were very happy to see the smiles on our students faces. Our students were treated to a pizza lunch. A HUGE THANK YOU to all the kind and generous donors as well as to our fabulous parents. We are looking forward to seeing...

Letter from Superintendent

Letter from Superintendent

Office of the Superintendent August 25, 2021  Greetings Students, Parents, and Families,    On behalf of the Board of Education, our entire administrative team, and myself, I extend our most sincere welcome back as we are excited for the return of...

Welcome Back Oakman Lions!

Welcome Back Oakman Lions!

Welcome Back Oakman Lions! Please click on the following links to view Welcome Back Letter and Suggested School Supply List for 21-22.

Kindergarten Soft Start

Kindergarten Soft Start

Kindergarten will have a two week soft start when the new school year starts.  Kindergarten students will have half days from Aug. 30 to Sept. 10.  The extra week of soft starts replaces the kindergarten-only professional development days.

Summer Program 2021

Thank you to all the parents, students and staff that participated in this years summer program. It was a huge success! https://youtu.be/TIFAti-MPzU

Emergency Form Update

To help ensure a smooth start to the school year, the District has added a feature to Parent Connect that allows all parents to directly review student information, make changes, acknowledge the receipt of very important forms, and provide the most...