Oakman School News

Class News

Math Challenge

Math Challenge

Thank you to all the students who participated in the math challenge! Remember math is everywhere! This week we discovered that math can be fun. We used a deck of cards to play math games with our families. Check out the smiles on the families faces below. You can...

R.O.A.R. Announcements

Remarkable Oakman Announcement Reporter: Angela Hassoun from Miss. Mosed’s class! https://youtu.be/qmE6EVVnYXg

R.O.A.R. Announcements

Remarkable Oakman Announcement Reporter: Zahraa Alhusseini from Miss. Mosed’s class! https://youtu.be/4Dd_IGxkVxI

Remote Learning Elementary Grading Criteria

Elementary Grading Criteria - COVID-19 School Shutdown. For the current marking period:Students receive feedback on weekly assignments in the form of narrative comments.  Meeting:  regularly submitted work and attended check-insAccuracy of work assessed on...

R.O.A.R. Announcements

Remarkable Oakman Announcement Reporter: Fatima Hachem from Miss. Habhab’s class! https://youtu.be/bcDjZmIXdg8

Ramadan Mubarak

Ramadan Mubarak

We want to wish all our families a blessed and Happy Ramadan. May you all enjoy this special time with your loved ones and be showered with great health, peace and happiness.