Oakman School News

Class News

Math Challenge

Math Challenge

Thank you to all the students who participated in the weekly math challenge! We are so proud of you! Measurement is important to our daily life because it's around us everywhere! We measure when we cook, when we check someone's temperature, take medication or even...

Youtube Videos for Eureka Math Lessons

Subscribe to this Youtube channel and watch tutorials for Eureka MAth modules for all grades. This is a great resource. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMb3b2_-4jDpi2Mvac_pAMA

R.O.A.R Announcements

Remarkable Oakman Announcement Reporters! Adam Qawasmi from Miss. Logel's class and Ihsan Qawasmi from Miss. Habhab's class! Make sure to follow us on Instagram: Oakman_Elementary, Twitter: OakmanSchool and YouTube: ROAR Oakman https://youtu.be/PTyuKtEicc8

ROAR Announcements

Make sure to follow us on Instagram: Oakman_Elementary and Twitter: OakmanSchool https://youtu.be/dZpgI_O0ThM

Student Challenge by Abdullah Hammoud.. Enter to Win $100

Student Challenge by Abdullah Hammoud.. Enter to Win $100

STUDENT CHALLENGE: In wanting to encourage our students to keep learning, we’re launching a student challenge: The challenge: Tell us what makes you proud to be from Dearborn or Michigan. You can tell us about your favorite people, places, or activities - the more...