Welcome to Oakman Elementary School. We are glad you are here!
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Welcome to Oakman Elementary School. We are glad you are here!
Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters! https://youtu.be/yQzPpNAWb1Y
Greetings Oakman Families, This week the weather is expected to be cold. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately (coats, hats, gloves). Please continue to use the Daily District Screener before sending your child to school. If your child and/or anyone in...
Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters features Isra, Mohamed A, Jamal and Adam. https://youtu.be/BQDd2QtDBJI
Thursday, January 6, the library will be hosting a magic show online via Zoom for kids and families of all ages.
Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters: Isra and Mohammed! https://youtu.be/BRSqsFfYD14
On Monday, January 10th, Oakman School is scheduled to have picture retake day in the A.M. In order to have your child's picture retaken, you must return your complete package.
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