Welcome to Oakman Elementary School. We are glad you are here!
The ROAR Show!
Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters! https://youtu.be/DIPgnmXFVRA
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
Welcome to Oakman Elementary School. We are glad you are here!
Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters! https://youtu.be/DIPgnmXFVRA
Greetings Oakman Families, It's starting to get very chilly outside. We will begin indoor recess tomorrow. Each class will have a designated area to line up. Due to limited space indoors, we ask all parents to drop of their child and not to enter the building. Doors...
Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters (ROAR)! https://youtu.be/NdX94v5WGUI
Many of our students and staff dressed in flannel and plaid! Monday is REINDEER DAY!
Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters (ROAR) features: ROAR Anchors: Ibrahim & Saba Weather: Slwa Sports: Jamal Joke of the Day: Adam Important Reminders: Layan https://youtu.be/Or8_zXNyVbU
We kicked off our 12 days of December celebration with Candy Cane Day. Students and staff dressed in red and white. Tomorrow is Flannel Friday! Flannel Friday!
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