Oakman School News

District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.

Welcome to Oakman Elementary School. We are glad you are here!

The ROAR Show!

Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters! Pledges: Saba Albadany & Ibrahim Ashaweh Weather: Asya Aoun Local Dearborn News: Iyah Almoamin Joke of the day: Sajed Jaafer Reminders: Jamal Hachem https://youtu.be/j1VoCkG-mo0

The ROAR Show!

Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters (ROAR) features: Oakman News Anchors: Saba Albadany & Ibrahim AshawehWeather: Asya Aoun Sports: Hussein Bazzi Fact of the Day: Sajed Jaafer Local News: Iyah Almoamin https://youtu.be/wOmuO9Gt8JY

Lions Weekly!

Lions Weekly!

We hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving break. We look forward to seeing everyone at school tomorrow. Important reminders: It’s getting cold! Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the cooler weather. All students go outside multiple times a...

The ROAR Show!

Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters features: Oakman News Anchors: Saba Albaydany & Ibrahim Ashaweh  Weather Anchor: Baian Alzidan Sports Anchor: Hussein Bazzi Joke of the Day: Layan Saad Local Dearborn News: Iyah Almoamin

Lions Weekly!

Lions Weekly!

This week will be a short week. We will have school Monday and Tuesday. The school will be closed Wednesday-Friday for Thanksgiving. We wish for you all a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving with your loved ones. Be sure to take the time to reflect on all the positive...

The ROAR Show!

Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters features: Oakman News Anchors: Saba Albaydany & Ibrahim Ashaweh Weather Anchor: Baian Alzidan Sports Anchor: Hussein Bazzi Joke of the Day: Celia Hassoun Dearborn Local News Anchor: Iyah Almoamin...

Parent Meeting Photos-November

Parent Meeting Photos-November

Thank you to all the parents that joined us! We started off our parent meeting with a math icebreaker using dice. Mrs. Mcmahon walked us through Benchmark Advance. She showed us the online component (spelling and assignments) and the Benchmark magazines (how to...

The ROAR Show!

Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters (ROAR) features: Oakman Anchors: Saba Albaydany and Ibrahim Ashaweh Sports Anchor: Hussein Bazzi Local Dearborn News Anchor: Iyah Almoamin Weather Anchor: Maha Almemar Joke of the Day: Sarah Awadali...

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

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